After nearly crashing my marriage, I learned how to do marriage better and help others in their own marriages. “Success is tying up your failures and then standing on them.” — Dave Ramsey “A bird doesn’t sing because …
Do you think that you would never call your husband “stupid” out loud to other people? You are probably right, but you might be surprised what you HAVE communicated topeople about your spouse. Ladies, how many times have you been in a …
Its easy to become defensive with each other - especially if you haven’t spent much time together lately, or have little one running around that demand your time. Little things can get on your nerves. Lisa often reminds me that we're on the …
I believe that having sex is a gift for married couples. Here is an interesting thing that I learned recently: Its a way that God differentiates married couples from just “Friends”. So, if you aren’t having sex, you, in effect, h…
Sometimes life gets in the way of your marriage. So many things to take care of, you forget to take care of the most important relationship that you have on the planet. I’m guilty. I forget that I need to communicate better. I need to listen…