It may feel like you are at a stand still in your marriage.
Like neither of you feel like doing anything different to make anything better.
Life just keeps getting in the way - There are so many things you could possibly "do" to work on your relationship - you end up not doing anything at all.
Yup. I get it.
Instead of trying to do "all the things"
Or Ignoring your marriage completely...why not go SUPER small and SUPER focused?
Because: Small steps in a different direction can create big results
I've talked about taking small steps to better your marriage before -
Focus on one thing your spouse does well - then telling them that they do that One thing well.
- It gets you focused on the positive
Read one marriage book - Then put into practice the things it says.
- Its easy to try and read "All the Books" - and never put anything into practice!
Pick one area that you want to work on in your marriage.
- Take the pressure off, and focus on one small area: Sex, Finances, Friends, Parenting...You decide...then focus there for a little bit and see what happens.
Let me know what small thing you are going to work on in YOUR Marriage!
Ps - check out the "Related Episode" linked below to hear more ideas...⤵️