The “Throwaway Mentality” is everywhere in our society!
Use it, then trash it…we live in a world of fast, now and next!
(How many old cell phones do I have sitting in my house? Six.)
I was reading an article that suggested in tough economic times, instead of just “pitching stuff”, we tend to recycle more often, and make use of older items in different ways.
IT MADE ME ASK: What about our marriages?
We should stop the “Throwaway Mentality”, and not be so quick to toss them by the wayside when we hit a bump in the road.
Think back to your wedding day.
The vows you spoke?
Weren’t they more than empty words and platitudes?
Didn’t they mean anything!?!
Here are 4 ways to Revive our Marriages (not toss them away)
Recycle: Recycle an old date that you enjoyed when you were first falling in love. An old friend of mine says “What were you doing when you were successful?” Think of those things — dating, flirting, being nice, being playful…and recycle them back into your marriage.
Rekindle: Pay attention to your spouse. Spend quality time together. Go to sleep at the same time (when you can!). Be interested about each others day at work. Take a walk together. Spend 15 minutes after dinner talking at the table.
Renew: Renew your thinking toward your spouse. Think of the things you like about them (Remember those? Yes, they do have GOOD qualities, I mean, you DID marry them — right?). List out their good qualities and remind yourself of them when you are having a fight. Maybe even renew your vows when you hit a big anniversary! Celebrate your life together.
Revamp: The way you fight, the way you handle the in-laws, the way you handle your parents, the way you spend your money as a couple? You can change them. You don’t have to be stuck in the same patterns of behavior. If you want something to change, you have to take responsibility and change it. You get to create the life and relationship you want.
How are you going to revive your marriage?
Don’t throwaway your marriage just because you hit a rough patch. Think about ways to revive your relationship and move into a new exciting season together.