What if we husbands did exactly what 1 Peter 3:7 says?
…you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.
God, for some reason, has tied our marriages and prayer lives together.
So – When we get it wrong with our spouse, our prayers are blocked.
And that’s a problem!
Every husband can have a better prayer life by working on his marriage
What do you need to do as a husband to have a better marriage and prayer life?
Honor Her
A good definition of Honor is to esteem someone – to give them ‘high value’ in your eyes.
Too often my wife becomes my “partner”.
A person to slide thru the day with – to negotiate schedules with, and get the grocery list from.
But what if I noticed her value – the things she does well, and who she is – consistently?
What if I pointed those things out to her!
Understand Her
I want to comprehend and understand my wife.
I’ll never get there if I don’t spend time with her. Ask her questions, appreciate her perspective on things…
And NOT jump to ANGER when she has another perspective.
Treat Her as an Equal
Marriage researcher John Gottman suggests that “influence-ability” is a key ingredient to the makings of a great marriage.
Guys – this means we need to value the influence our wives bring to our lives.
We are becoming one with her (so says the Bible). We need to act like it – and accept her influence.
She is strong where we are weak – and we need the insight and wisdom she carries.